Thursday, January 19, 2012

Chan eil fhios agam - I don't know

Aidh, a-rithist tha mi nam shuidhe fo bhuaidh trioblaidean na beatha agus mì-chinnteach dè a nì mi. Tha mo fhoirmean iarrtais deiseil fa-dheòidh agus a-nis an t-aon rud a tha orm 's e a bhith a' feitheamh deagh-thoil an oillthigh... is dòcha. Tha fhios agam gur e àm fada air dol seachad bho mo bhlog mu dheireadh agus seo mo chiad bhlog na bliadhna ùire 2012 gu oifigeil! 'S math sin! Agus aig toiseach na bliadhna ùire, thachair mì-fhòrtan air mo chuid chàraidean agus tha e a' coimhead gun do ruig e mi cuideachd. Chan ann rud trom-chùiseach, na gabhaibh dràgh... dìreach trioblaidean leis an obair agus rudan mar sin. As dèidh thrì mìosan ann an Roinn-Eòrpa fhuair mi a-mach de cho cruaidh a tha e obair fhaighinn an seo, air an eaconomaidh Eòrpach. Ged a bha mo chàraidean Eòrpanach gu math brosnachail , tha mi a' fàireachdainn nach eil fhios aca air na dùbhlain an aghaidh neach-còmhnaidh mì-Eòrpanaich.

A-nis tha mi a' siubhal iar air ais dhan na SA. Chì sinn...

Well, again I find myself in the throws of life unsure of what to do. My graduate applications are finished for the time being and now all I have to do is sit tight and wait for acceptance... hopefully. I know it has been a long time since my last blog and this will officially be my first blog of the new year 2012! Woot! And at the start of the new year, many of my friends were greeted with misfortune and it appears to have reached me as well, nothing serious though, thankfully, just job troubles and the sort. After three months in Europe, I have found it exceptionally difficult to find employment here, on the European economy. Even though my European friends were exceptionally encouraging, I feel as though they are not entirely familiar with the challenges that non-EU residents face with finding employment here.

Now I am again traveling West back to the US. We'll see...

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